The Sunlands Energy Co. technology is the only available thermal energy storage system that can maintain the high operating temperature range identified by IRENA in its recent Innovation Outlook report as essential to the commercial viability of TES

Our Technology

Advanced Processing Technologies
Chemical Free Process

Uley flake will be produced with the highest levels of purity utilising an environmentally sustainable process and entirely powered by renewable energy.

It combines the liberation of graphite particles through sequential concentrating and delaminating of flake followed by a basic thermo-chemical to deliver 99.9% graphite, a treatment utilising Sunlands Energy Co. technology.

Manufacturing and the Sunlands Energy Co. Partnership Long Duration Energy Storage

Our joint venture with Sunlands Energy Co. will manufacture the critical flake graphite-based storage media to be installed within Sunlands Energy Co.’s long duration energy storage cells.

These cells are ideally suited to serve the long duration energy storage market and position us squarely within one of the fastest growing energy market segments.

“Conventional sources of flexibility in the form of power plants and interconnections have long maintained the reliability of power systems around the world. Today thermal power plants provide the bulk of the flexibility required by many electricity systems and this remains the case to 2040... This is made possible by the retrofitting of existing thermal power plants, which helps increase ramp rates…”
Chapter 6.9- 6.12 Outlook for Electricity IEA World Energy Outlook 2019
“The power-to-heat component of TES make them ideal for installation at existing coal generation power stations when those assets reach end of life or are retired to meet emissions reductions goals. A TES asset could be used to replace the existing heat source while reusing the existing generation equipment and balance of plant infrastructure, helping to reduce overall cost to the system and for the TES asset itself. Studies have shown this approach has capital costs and delivered energy LCOE at levels comparable to other forms of LDES…”
The Future of Long Duration Energy Storage, Clean Energy Council June 2024 (p. 38)

TES Applications Satisfy a Range of Modern Network Requirements

Retrofitting of Existing Coal Fired Power Stations

The very high operating temperature range of Sunlands Energy Co.’s TES Graphite Cells enables this technology to be deployed across energy networks to satisfy the full range of network requirements.

The retro-fitting of existing coal fired power stations represents one of the largest market segments for this technology, achieves massive capital cost savings in network reinforcement and accelerates the transition to an emissions free grid.

Contact us.

Head Office

Quantum Graphite Limited
349 Collins Street
Melbourne, Victoria, 3000

Investor Relations

Enquiries to be addressed to the Company Secretary


© 2025 – Quantum Graphite Limited

Latest News - Orior Capital Rearch​

Orior Capital has undertaken an in-depth review and valuation of the Quantum Graphite business. Included is a critical analysis of the Company’s downstream long duration energy storage joint venture with Sunlands Co.

This research is the only detailed coverage of the massive opportunity of grid connected long duration energy storage for the only ASX listed company offeringdirect exposure to this market segment.

The full report is available here