Status: DFS completed for Uley 2 (Stage 1)
Location: Eyre Peninsula, South Australia; 20km west-south-west of Port Lincoln
Government approvals: All approvals obtained pursuant to Program for Environment Protection and Rehabilitation – PEPR 2014/110
Scheduled start of development: Upon close of funding
Stage 1 mine life: 12 years (Stage 1)
Stage 1 production level: Uley 2 processing plant will produce a minimum of 100,000 tonnes of high purity coarse flake
Graphite mineral processing: Liberation of graphite particles through crushing and grinding followed by floatation and polishing sections. Multi-stage polishing critical to enhanced flake graphite recoveries and maximising purity and coarse flake size
Graphite beneficiated to 99.9%: Following mineral processing, graphite flakes will be beneficiated to 99.9% by Sunlands Pure utilising Sunlands Energy Co. technology
Offtake agreements in place: Binding offtake agreement executed with Swiss trading group MRI Trading AG for 50% of Uley 2 production for a minimum of 5 years
Life of Mine key economic and financial input parameters and modifying factors
Base case Uley 2, stage 1 delivers robust project economics. Further optimisation work including beneficiation study to increase the flake purity to >99% greatly enhances project economics.
Mineral Resource estimate for Uley 2 (3.5% total graphitic carbon cut-off)
Significant resource expansion potential within the Uley 2 resource envelope. In addition, extensional drilling of Uley 2 South, Uley 3 and Uley South supports multi-decade resource expansion.
Quantum Graphite Limited
349 Collins Street
Melbourne, Victoria, 3000
Enquiries to be addressed to the Company Secretary
© 2025 – Quantum Graphite Limited
Orior Capital has undertaken an in-depth review and valuation of the Quantum Graphite business. Included is a critical analysis of the Company’s downstream long duration energy storage joint venture with Sunlands Co.
This research is the only detailed coverage of the massive opportunity of grid connected long duration energy storage for the only ASX listed company offeringdirect exposure to this market segment.
The full report is available here